L’unité prôné par François Bayrou
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Also agree with Arun – when you look at the aggregator of polls on Le Monde, the 3 renvlaet polls (ie taken after March 21) are inconclusive at best. (i) IPSOS: shows no effect. (ii) CSA: Sarko stagnates after having overtaken Hollande before March 21. (iii) HARRIS: Sarko increases by 1 point. I think the conventional wisdom is soon gonna be that Toulouse is what allowed Sarko to overtake Hollande, and it will be inaccurate. Same as Obama overtaking McCain because of the financial crisis: this one is thrown at me so regularly that I keep a chart of the 2008 polls to remind people that what happened was a McCain « Palin bump » the first 2-3 weeks of September rather than an Obama « Lehman bump ».