« La reconstruction sera fondée sur une majorité pluraliste et un contrat clair avec les Français »


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2 réponses à « La reconstruction sera fondée sur une majorité pluraliste et un contrat clair avec les Français »

  1. Bhushan dit :

    Boz,Here is a translation of Sarkozy’s aneswr to the first question regarding Royal’s threats of violence should she not be elected. »I do not believe that during the Fifth Republic one has ever heard statements as violent and as threatening as these. To maintain that if the choice is made for a candidate, there will be violence, is nothing short of refusing democracy itself. This is an entirely new precedent, one that he never been heard before! It represents a very frightening new form of intolerance. The French people are presented with two options: vote for Royal and things will remain calm or elect Sarkozy and endure violence. This war-like language is a negation of the fundamental rules of democracy itself!I cannot understand why a person of quality like Mdme Royal, would lose herself in such a violent diatribe. I see a totally closed minded left who considers illegitimate any form of thought or action that is not in lockstep with their parties line. To say such a thing is to insult the millions of voters who voted for me in the first round of the elections. France needs openness, tolerance, respect and joining together. »(If you need help translating, I would be happy to help.)

    • James GEORGES dit :

      Thanks a lot Bhushan,
      I undestand the sence of your comment, and I agree with it : »France needs openness, tolerance, respect and joining togther ».
      You can help to present my blog to french expatriate!? James

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